A passing stranger dressed in black 
With slogans painted on his back 
Turned and stared and laughed and carried 
On another came and did the same 
At first they made me feel ashamed 
Then i realized what i had done 
Without asking i had broke the rules 
Without knowing i had made them fools 
Be merely looking different to those 
Who knew the game the unity 
Was here to see a mass of non-conformity 
There's something wrong or is it me? 
They all look just the same 
They hung around in silent pairs 
And gave out their derisive stairs 
To anyone who envied or ignored a leaflet 
Saying smash the state 
Work in love and not in hate 
Got snatched and ripped and ground into the floor 
Without asking it had caught them out 
Without knowing what it was all about 
They assumed it was a wind up 
Or a con making sure with a nervous glance 
They reaffirmed each others stance and smiled 
And then forgot and carried on the passing strangers 
Stayed that way and rotted away in their own decay 
Convinced they'd got it right, 
The rest were wrong by deriding 
Them to gain respect they tied a noose around their neck 
And fell when something different came along 
Without asking they're soon put down 
Without knowing why they looked around 
And found a new dictatorship in power acting 
Just as they had done but on the other end 
It's not much fun and all their sweet delusions 
Soon turned sour one mans hand is another mans fist 
And so the power games still exist 
And one idea is right the rest are wrong while 
Such ideas as this are here we'll never live 
Without the fear or feeling 
That we somehow don't belong